Thursday, October 24, 2013

Zodiac's Origination From Babylon

    Among my week of research one of the things I first encountered was the origination of Zodiacs. One of the first things I learned was that in astronomy and astrology the word Zodiac derives from Latin. which comes from the Greek meaning "circle of animals."
Chinese Ox Zodiac
    Little did I know that there are several different Zodiac calendars, each of which ranging in diversity. In fact, for quite some time I had no knowledge that sign calendars differed. For example the Chinese calendar. A couple years ago my lack  of knowledge resulted in my possession of a Zagg(aka Invisishield, the protective film they put on the blades of military helicopters)  ox designed, Droid skin. I had this case for over a year with an explanation I cannot recall. After receiving puzzled looks and being questioned about my odd case, following all my friend's curiosity was my father. Whom of which then preceded to ask the same questions everyone else had. After telling him it was(to my knowledge) my Zodiac sign he then corrected me and told me I was a Leo. Ever since then it has been made clear that a Lion is much more appealing to the eyes, as was the reactions. Reactions began transforming from, "What's on your case? It looks odd." to, "Is that a Lion? I like it, very cool." Ever since I became aware of my error, I have been curious as to where Zodiacs originated. I then decided to expand my horizons with the use of this term.
    In the early 4th century (B.C), in such a time where astrology and astronomy did not differ, Babylonian astrology was introduced to the Greeks. After the introductory to the Greek ancient astrologers studies, such as Plato and Aristotle, played a large role in how astrology was labeled. If it were not for astrologers, astrology would not have been regarded as a science until much later on.
     After learning that Babylonian astrology was the origin of Zodiacs.Not only did I learn that the Zodiac originated in Babylon, but that, in astrology, the Zodiac was born from the first organized system. The first organized system arose in the second millennium.
    After uncovering the general information about the origins of Zodiacs, I then was hit with curiosity as to how the signs of the Zodiac came to be. In Greek the Zodiac is a circle divided into twelve 30 degree "slices" of celestial longitude with the center being the ecliptic. The paths of the Sun, Moon, and visible planets all fall near the ecliptic(the center). I also learned that the paths are at a consistent distance near the ecliptic. This is called the belt. This belt spans 8-9 degrees north or south of the ecliptic. While researching I came across a term I had never really understood. I couldn't think of any reason not to look it up. While following my curiosity I came across the term vernal equinox. I found that it is where the ecliptic intersects with the celestial equator, and when the sun moves in a northerly motion. To simplify it all, the Zodiac is a (celestial) coordinate system, more specifically an ecliptic coordinate system. In the ecliptic coordinate system the ecliptic is the origin of latitude, and the sun at the vernal equinox is the origin of longitude.

Monday, October 7, 2013

An October's Day Brainstorm

    Though I have been given ample time to decide on a topic for my first blog, I am still unable to decide. The topics I have brainstormed have little to absolutely no relevancy. So far the topics that topics the have captured my attention are the Prohibition, Civil and Structural Engineering, Zodiacs, and the role Social Psychology plays in society.
    Ever since I studied the Prohibition Era in high school, it has always been something that has fascinated me. Most students would cringe at just the idea of being forced to study a topic previously taught in school, they would also very likely believe you to be insane to voluntarily research it independently. The majority of students proceed to forget all information they have obtained promptly after that dreadful assignment has been handed in. However, I differ from those students. Rather than the idea of returning to a topic previously studied boring me, it has surfaced my brain while I was brainstorming topics(I'm not sure if that's because I have had a genuine interest in the subject from the start, or because I have been watching The Great Gatsby too much.) Nonetheless I have an interest in the time period of the Prohibition, particularly the bootlegging era.
    I remember, when I was little, I had fixed a car remote(used to lock and unlock doors) when I was about 6 years old. At the time my parents were very impressed, as it had completely shattered and I was able to restore it completely, however I didn't think much of the action, with the justification of simplicity. All I had to do was look for what parts go where, and restore them to their original location with the correct connection. Growing up I had always expressed an interest in Law and Engineering, and predicted my future career upon the general field of engineering or law. As I entered high school I was lucky enough that my CAD(computer aided design) teacher approved of my freshmen self to be in a senior-leveled class. This class taught me how to create renderings(virtual models of building, bridges, dams, etc.) Ever since I experienced the joys of designing buildings and such I have "locked-in" my career, Civil Commercial Architectural Engineering. While my pursuing career is Civil Engineering I am still unsure if I would like to pick it as my topic despite my level of interest.
    While looking up classes online while sitting engulfed in the comfort of my bed wondering which classes I should take this fall, I stumbled across Social Psychology. I immediately decided to take the class, not only to fulfill my requirements, but to explore my curiosity and try to determine if I would like my minor to be in Psychology. Thus my further interest in Psychology, specifically Social Psychology, grew. There are many aspects of Social Psychology. If I were to choose a topic among the realm of Psychology I would choose conformity, aggression, or justification/rationalization.
    As of now  I know very little about Zodiacs, I'm not sure if that's because I was raised Christian and was told they don't exist and are inaccurate, or because I never took the effort and energy to really explore them. I know I am a Leo and that most of the description generalizing all Leos,(found on Google of course) is pretty accurate. I have discovered that Zodiacs may be a topic I would like to further explore, such as origination, compatibility, meaning(how the signs and descriptions were created), and whatever else that may form a question in my mind along my journey.

    After reflecting upon my top topics I have decided to expand my knowledge of Zodiacs. I hope to find out their history including how they were interpreted, how different cultures viewed them, which culture was the first to generate them, and anything else that sparks an interest along the way.