Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. Aphrodite was other wise known as Acidalia, Cytherea meaning Lady of Cythera, or Cypris meaning Lady of Cyprus. These names were used amongst different local cults of the goddess in Greece. The Goddess of beauty was born, according to Hesiod's Thegony, when Cronos cut off Uranus's genitals and threw them into the ocean. Aphrodite then arose from the sea foam (aphros). According to Homer's Iliad she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Because of her astonishing beauty there was fear that jealousy and lust over her amongst the Gods would disrupt the peace, Zeus Married her to Hephaestus. Due to Hephaestus's ugliness the threat was eliminated. Aphrodite had many lovers such as gods (Ares) and men (Anchises.) She also played a role in the Eros andPsyche legend and was later Adonis's lover as well as his surrogate mother. She is also said to be the mother of many lesser off-springs.
Hesiod was a Greek poet thought to be alive between 750-650 B.C.) Thegony is poem Hesiod wrote in the 8th-7th century B.C. entailing the origins and genealogies of the Greek gods. Hesiod's piece was originally composed in Homeric Greek. Ancient authors give him give him and Homer credit for creating the bases of Greek religious customs. Many scholars regard him as one of the major scources of Greek farming techniques.

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