Friday, November 1, 2013

A Role in Fortunes

     After embarking on my journey to learn all about Zodiacs I soon found that Greek Mythology kept popping up. I have always found Greek Mythology fascinating. My fascination began the summer in 6th grade, when I was required to read Percy Jackson the Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan. All incoming middle students were required to read the novel as an introductory to Greek Mythology. Unfortunately, the class only skimmed Greek Mythology resulting in my own deeper interest.
    From what I know, which isn't a whole lot, there was only 12 gods at one time. The Olympian Greek Gods/Goddesses were Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty, Apollo God of the sun, Ares God of war, Artemis goddess of hunting, Athena Goddess of wisdom, Demeter Goddess of harvest, Dionysus God of wine, Hades God of the underworld, Hephaestus God of metallurgy, Hera Goddess of family, Hermes God of trade, Hestia (calm) God of the hearth, Poseidon God of the seas, and Zeus King of all Gods and ruler of all mankind.

    While researching this topic what I wish to learn is repetitively general. I wish to discover why there were so many gods, gain knowledge about each Olympian God's/Goddess's myth, and anything else that I may come across.

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